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Presentation of the Journal

In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies is a journal devoted to the study of writing practices in the Medieval latin West (5th-15th centuries), mainly, but not solely in North-Western Europe. It is part of the historiographical renewal that has taken place over the last three decades and tends to constitute a field of study on medieval Literacy that considers all dimensions of the written word, its materiality as well as social issues linked to its production, or its uses and its conservation.

Management Board

Editorial office


Rédaction In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies

Université du Luxembourg
Campus Belval
Faculté des Sciences humaines, Sciences de l’éducation et Sciences sociales
11, Porte des Sciences L-4366 Belval

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Frequency of publication

In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies publishes one issue per year.

Editorial board

  • Thomas BRUNNER (Université de Strasbourg) – orcid : 0000-0002-0797-1825
  • Laurence BUCHHOLZER (Université de Strasbourg) - orcid : 0000-0002-1724-8235
  • Hugh DOHERTY (University of East Anglia)
  • Cédric GIRAUD (Université de Genève) - orcid : 0000-0002-4156-8749
  • Xavier HERMAND (Université de Namur) – orcid : 0000-0002-8413-6102
  • Estelle INGRAND-VARENNE (CNRS/Université de Poitiers)
  • Michel MARGUE (University of Luxembourg) – orcid: 0000-0002-4462-6422
  • Emilie MINEO (University of Luxembourg) – orcid : 0000-0001-5246-1472
  • Jean-François NIEUS (FNRS/Université de Namur) – orcid : 0000-0002-3487-5329
  • Nicolas PERREAUX (LAMOP, Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
  • Jeff RIDER (Wesleyan University)
  • Sebastian RÖBERT (Universität Leipzig)
  • Nicolas RUFFINI RONZANI (Université de Namur/Archives de l’État) – orcid : 0000-0003-2409-119X
  • Timothy SALEMME (University of Luxembourg) – orcid : 0000-0003-2137-0628
  • Dominique STUTZMANN (IRHT-CNRS) – orcid: 0000-0003-3705-5825
  • Andreas ZAJIC (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Institut für Mittelalterforschung) – orcid: 0000-0002-1967-6022

Scientific comittee

Under construction


Under construction

Open Access policy

In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies disseminates its contents in open access to ensure the widest possible spread of knowledge and the exchange of knowledge at a global level.

Authors retain their rights over their work. They grant the journal In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies the right to publish on a non-exclusive basis. Anyone reading the journal will be able to download, reuse, print and distribute the contributions published in In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies, provided that the author and the title of the journal are correctly cited.

APC (Article processing charges)

In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies adopts a policy of complete gratuity for contributors during the entire editorial process (submission, evaluation and online publication of articles).

There will be no submission or publication fees.

Licensing terms

Contributions to the series are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Information about this license can be found at Images and other resources used inside a contribution are subject to the same license unless licensed otherwise or coming from another source.


All contributions published in In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies will be submitted to an anonymous double-blind peer-review. After a preliminary evaluation by the editorial board, each contribution proposal will be submitted to two reviewers, selected internationally because of their expertise in the involved research fields. The names of the reviewers are published on the webpage Reviewers (which is constantly updated). Their reports are archived in a dedicated space.

Submission Process

Under construction

Stylesheet and Conventions

The stylesheet can be downloaded, following this link (PDF).

Code of ethics

In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies is an annual peer-reviewed scientific journal that adheres to the Code of Publication Ethics developed by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) :

Authors, editors and reviewers are expected to know and share the principles highlighted in the journal’s code of ethics under:


Publications and publication assets are archived in different formats and in different places, most suitable to those formats. An XML version, which assures software-independent, human-readable long-term-preservations, is archived and versioned in a data repository of the University of Luxembourg. A PDF version is archived in the document repository of the University of Luxembourg and at the National Library of Luxembourg.

Data management and protection policies

The management of the journal complies with data protection standards, notably with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) concerning “data owners’ rights”.

Names, email addresses and other personal information provided to the journal will only be used for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other use. Only information that is essential for the evaluation and publication of contributions, for informing readers of the authorship of contributions, and more generally for scientific communication purposes, will be collected.

Authors are responsible for the data they provide on the persons mentioned in their contributions.