
ISSN: 2989-7343
Editors: Thomas Brunner, Laurence Buchholzer, Xavier Hermand, Michel Margue, Jean-François Nieus, Timothy Salemme
Content: In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies is a journal devoted to the study of writing practices in the Medieval latin West (5th-15th centuries), mainly, but not solely in North-Western Europe. It is part of the historiographical renewal that has taken place over the last three decades and tends to constitute a field of study on medieval Literacy that considers all dimensions of the written word, its materiality as well as social issues linked to its production, or its uses and its conservation.
Review: All contributions published in In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies will be submitted to an anonymous double-blind peer-review. After a preliminary evaluation by the editorial board, each contribution proposal will be submitted to two reviewers, selected internationally because of their expertise in the involved research fields. The names of the reviewers are published on the webpage Reviewers (which is constantly updated). Their reports are archived in a dedicated space.
Submission: Full manuscriptsfor the following issue can be submitted to
For detailed information about the journal, available in French, English and Italian, refer to the journal page at:
Editors: Thomas Brunner, Laurence Buchholzer, Xavier Hermand, Michel Margue, Jean-François Nieus, Timothy Salemme
Content: In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies is a journal devoted to the study of writing practices in the Medieval latin West (5th-15th centuries), mainly, but not solely in North-Western Europe. It is part of the historiographical renewal that has taken place over the last three decades and tends to constitute a field of study on medieval Literacy that considers all dimensions of the written word, its materiality as well as social issues linked to its production, or its uses and its conservation.
Review: All contributions published in In·Scriptis. Cultures médiévales de l’écrit – Mittelalterlichen Schriftkulturen – Medieval Literacies will be submitted to an anonymous double-blind peer-review. After a preliminary evaluation by the editorial board, each contribution proposal will be submitted to two reviewers, selected internationally because of their expertise in the involved research fields. The names of the reviewers are published on the webpage Reviewers (which is constantly updated). Their reports are archived in a dedicated space.
Submission: Full manuscriptsfor the following issue can be submitted to
inscriptis [@] uni [dot] lu
until the 30th of April of each year. For further information refer to the journal page.
For detailed information about the journal, available in French, English and Italian, refer to the journal page at:
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