Self and Society in the Corona Crisis
Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences
The corona crisis has put a spotlight on the importance of science in modern societies. But not only medicine and the ‘hard’ sciences, also the humanities and social sciences are called for: Which kinds of political rationality determine action in the global crisis? How does ‘Corona’ influence our understanding of borders, migration and international relations? How can we learn from the past? What are the challenges we face in organizing everyday life, teaching and research, art and culture, or in dealing with ourselves? And can digital technologies help us to compensate for the negative effects of the crisis?
By trying to find answers to these (and other) questions, the volume brings together contributions from experts at the University of Luxembourg in the fields of psychology and social sciences, literature and linguistics, cultural studies, political science, border studies and educational science. It opens up a panorama of the research taking place at the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, and demonstrates the kinds of contributions these disciplines make when dealing with crises, and in shaping of society in general. At the same time, it reflects on the limits of knowledge these disciplines encounter in the face of a global challenge.
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
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The History of Pandemics
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Die Pest als „die“ Pandemie der Weltgeschichte in der Geschichtsschreibung
by Thomas KolnbergerPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Cultures of Crisis
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Governance, Borders and Resources
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Die Auswirkungen der Coronakrise auf die parlamentarische Demokratie in Luxemburg
by Anna-Lena HoegenauerPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Chancen für Luxemburgs (Finanz-)Wirtschaft in und nach der Krise
by Sabine Dörry, Christian SchulzPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Health and Psychology
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The impact of social isolation and loneliness on mental health and well-being: the COVID-19 pandemic
by Claus Vögele, Julie Ortmann, Annika P. C. Lutz, André Schulz, Zoé van Dyck, Conchita D‘AmbrosioPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Mental health issues in health care professionals facing a pandemic
by Raquel Goméz-Bravo, Vinicius Jobim Fischer, M. Carmen Fernández Alonso, Charilaos Lygidakis, Claus VögelePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Family violence and COVID-19
by Raquel Gómez Bravo, Yusianmar Mariani Borrero, Hagit Dascal-Weichhendler, Nena Kopcavar Gucek, Vinicius Jobim Fischer, Charilaos Lygidakis, Claus VögelePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Extended telecommuting due to COVID-19 and the impact on working life
by Philipp E. Sischka, Georges SteffgenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Investigating the student’s learning satisfaction, wellbeing, and mental health in the context of imposed remote teaching during the COVID-19 crisis
by Paul Milmeister, Merlin Rastoder, Christiane Kirsch, Claude HoussemandPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Das Leben ist immer lebensgefährlich – La vie ne fait pas de cadeau
by Matthias Böhmer, Burkhard HoellenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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The Challenge of Remote Teaching
Schule auf Distanz
by Susanne Backes, Isabell Eva Baumann, Dominic Harion, Thomas Lenz, Sabrina SattlerPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Reflections on our teaching activities in the initial teacher training during the COVID-19 crisis
by Yves Kreis, Ben Haas, Robert Reuter, Christian Meyers, Gilbert BusanaPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Vormoderne Glückserfahrungen in der virtuellen (Corona-)Realität
by Amelie Bendheim, Ruth ReicherPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Living and Learning in Times of Corona
by Anastasia Badder, Yimin Zhang, Mara Olma, Gabriele BudachPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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- rightsDas Werk ist eine Open Access-Publikation. Es wird unter der Creative Commons Namensnennung – Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen | CC BY-SA 4.0 ( veröffentlicht, welche die Nutzung, Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Veränderung, Verbreitung und Wiedergabe in jeglichem Medium und Format erlaubt, solange Sie die/den ursprünglichen Autor/innen und die Quelle ordentlich nennen, vorgenommene Änderungen kenntlich machen, die Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen erfolgt und ein Link zur Lizenz beigefügt ist. Die in diesem Werk enthaltenen Bilder und sonstiges Drittmaterial unterliegen ebenfalls der genannten Creative Commons Lizenz, sofern sie keiner anderen Quelle entnommen oder mit einer anderen Lizenz versehen sind. In diesen Fällen ist für die oben genannten Weiterverwendungen des Materials die Einwilligung des jeweiligen Rechteinhabers einzuholen.
- isbn978-2-9199648-7-1
- issn2716-7518
- publisherMelusina Press
- publisher placeEsch-sur-Alzette
- restrictionsCC BY-SA 4.0
- rights holderMelusina Press
- rights territoryLuxembourg
- series number2
- series titleThe Ends of the Humanities
- doi